Treasure Map 🗺️

Peter stares down at his instructions. Well, they’re not really his instructions; they belong to Seven. He’s simply trying to help her decipher the codes. His brow tense, his focus unbroken, he slowly smiles. He has found a clue for Seven. He can’t wait to tell her, but oh no.. suddenly he remembers he found this in her private desk. She’s going to be disappointed to know he was snooping through her belongings.

Frustrated, Peter puts everything back – just as he had found it. “Maybe she won’t mind,” he says to himself. No, she’s definitely going to mind, he recalls all their heated conversations about her personal space. Slowly, he backs away from the desk and defeatedly lays down on their couch. Peter closes his eyes for exactly seven seconds before she enters the room.

“Why are you napping this time of day?”

…..Peter opens one eye. Then the other. Then he winks at Seven. “I wasn’t sleeping, I swear.”

“You’re being weird,” she replies. “Have you been snooping in my desk? You know I hate that!” Seven walks to the desk, pulls out the map and sits down beside Peter. “Can you help me with this?”

She looks so innocent he realizes. Seven is soft spoken and kind hearted but she can definitely become spirited when she’s angry. “I can try to help you.” Peter replied.

He touches her hand as he pulls the map closer to himself. “Let’s begin.” Peter smiles to himself.

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