Wind Me Up & Watch Me Spin

Tomorrow never comes. Today ends too soon. Yesterday happened a lifetime ago.

Forever isn’t nearly long enough, and I don’t have anywhere near forever. It’s heartbreaking to live with this reality. Time slips away, faster each day, until the clock eventually stops ticking.

Within each moment this truth lies, waiting in a dark corner. So, here I stand, absurdly wishing I could have forever. Dreaming of a world where my heart doesn’t stop beating, so I can truly give it to you.

Because I need more than forever. Just to sit and laugh with you. To look into your eyes and share a simple smile. I need infinity to unravel our love.

51 thoughts on “Wind Me Up & Watch Me Spin

  1. Time may pass quickly, but the memories we create with those we love last a lifetime. Cherish each moment and hold onto the love that knows no bounds.

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