Becoming The Light

Once, I thought I was lost in the dark.

Stumbling through the thick air of nothingness;

I would fall, again and again.

Never able to find the light, I was trapped.

My thoughts became monsters, hunting me down.

It took some time for me to realize

I wasn’t lost in the darkness, as I had imagined for so long.

I was the dark, simply lost within myself.

That was the moment that I not only turned on the light, I became the light.

606 thoughts on “Becoming The Light

  1. What a powerful and evocative piece of writing! It’s truly inspiring how you’ve described the transformative journey from feeling lost in the dark to realizing and embracing your inner light. It must have been a profound moment of self-discovery and empowerment for you. How did this realization change your perspective or approach to challenges in your life? Also, what inspired you to write this poem?

    Liked by 5 people

    1. It allowed me to take my time when tackling large difficult problems. To look for the bright side instead of seeing the negatives. My mental health journey inspired this poem. Many years of working on anxiety and depression. Thank you for your lovely message. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’•โœ๏ธโœจ


  2. In the dark, a tiny hope appears,
    Facing challenges, overcoming fears.
    Through tough times and mountains high,
    You get stronger, give it a try.

    Facing storms, your courage grows,
    Dreams unfold, and passion shows.
    Rising strong from the darkest night,
    Like a phoenix taking flight.

    In every heart, a flame that’s true,
    Believe in yourself, you’ll make it through.
    Life’s a story, bright and grand,
    Seize the day, hold it in your hand.

    Find magic in the night’s embrace,
    You’re the one shaping your own space.
    Stay strong, persist with all your might,
    You’re the creator of your own light.

    Liked by 5 people

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