Feel The Fear

There are many things in life that we can choose to fear. Let’s be honest, life in itself, is completely scary. When we are afraid of something, we should begin to reflect on why we feel that fear. Sometimes fear is justifiable and it’s simply a primitive urge that will keep us safe. Other times fear is an indicator of more complicated emotions hiding just below the surface.

Fear can be a powerful tool in our emotional arsenal. We can use the feeling of fear as a context clue of what’s really going on inside of our minds. When we decide to view our feelings of fear in this new way, it becomes a more positive emotion. We can now use it to our advantage and learn more about ourselves. Once the feelings associated with the fear have been worked through, we may even find a renewed sense of confidence.

Finding hope in the absence of fear is a liberating experience. Learn to use your emotions to understand yourself better. Once you gain a new understanding, you will have a new perspective. Change your perspective and you can change your life.

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