Echoes of the Forgotten

Three minutes on a clock,
Each second a lifetime of unfulfilled dreams,
Heart racing, not with anticipation, but with the weight of endless pain,
Tapping on glass, a desperate plea for release. πŸ‘

Hi, I am Pandemonium, πŸ’—
A name whispered in the shadows,
Hidden among the living, yet eternally estranged,
Shall the dead return, their memories haunting the corridors of existence? πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

Can my Captain steer this ship of fractured hopes? πŸ§‘β€βœˆοΈ
Sunshine and moonlight, once promising, now mocking, ☒️🌊
Quaking, shivering, stumbling through the debris of lost chances,
Runaway thoughts, a labyrinth of regrets and missed opportunities.

Do you have a backbone, a spine unyielding?
Would you dare witness fireworks, even if they ignite your soul?
Maybe the ship is under attack, besieged by the remnants of love,
Arrows of longing flying across locked gates of forgotten promises. 🏹

Perhaps we should have ice cream, a fleeting sweetness to numb the ache,
Denny and Peaches, two souls adrift, seeking solace in shared silence 🍧
Forever and ever, they murmur, clinging to fragments of fractured time,
Yet the void remains, swallowing their half-formed wishes like hungry shadows. πŸ—οΈπŸ“»πŸ”«β„οΈβœ¨

β€œI love you,” whispers Denny, a fragile echo that reverberates through empty chambers πŸ’—
β€œGo to hell,” mutters Peaches, bitterness etched into her very essence 😡
β€œWhat’s that?” asks Denny, yearning for meaning in a world that has forgotten its own purpose πŸ”₯πŸ”«
β€œUMM, bad stuff?” Peaches replies, her heart a bruised peach, the juice of lost dreams staining her lips πŸ‘

β€œLike the world is ending?” Denny laughs, a hollow sound echoing in the void 🀣
β€œSomething like that,” he admits, eyes haunted by the ghosts of choices unmade 🌟
β€œRelax,” he reassures Peaches, though his own soul trembles on the precipice πŸ‘πŸ¦
β€œWe steer our destiny; here we go!” A desperate mantra, a plea to defy oblivion. 🍨

β€œHave some extra whipped cream,” he offers, a futile indulgence in a tasteless universe πŸ’βœ¨
β€œIt’s all for me and you, dear,” he declares, as if their shared existence could fill the void ❣️

And so they drift, caught between unfulfilled dreams and endless pain,
Two forgotten souls, their ship sailing toward the edge of memory,
In the vast expanse of existence, where hope flickers like a dying star,
And the echoes of the forgotten reverberate through the hollows of eternity. 🌌🌠

8 thoughts on “Echoes of the Forgotten

    1. Actually this was written for me by a person in the comments .. he took my character work and created this piece so I posted it because it’s good πŸ‘ my work here is part of a larger project.. I’m writing scripts πŸ’•βœ¨βœοΈπŸ™

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