
Today is the day. Peter sighs to himself. Obviously, Seven will find my gift. It was foretold by the great sea creatures. Question is how will she find it? I can’t wait to experience this with her!

Six hours later..

“Ughhh!? I’m so tired Peter. This cave is awful. It’s so dark in here. And the water keeps rushing in over the ledges that I’m trying to crawl on. How much longer do we have to search? What are we looking for? What’s the point?!”

Peter dives down and grabs the citrine colored glass bottle, forged by his friend, a pirate. It has been wedged in this location for centuries. He jiggles it and it just plops out. “Hey, look! I found a really cool bottle! I’m taking this back with us for sure. We should come back another day and try again when the tide isn’t high. Clearly this is not the correct time to explore here.”

Peter swims over to Seven, kisses her forehead, shoves the bottle into her backpack and they head back towards the cavern’s entrance. I can’t wait to get in the jacuzzi Peter smiles to himself.

12 thoughts on “citrine

  1. awesome work today is my birthday amber its been a great day so far cake and horror movies all day the first horror was a one watch the 2nd one was so good i loved it the 3rd it looks like another one watch on the 4th one now. nice to read your work its always a special day when i read your work

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